Getting Started with TypeScript: Setting up your Development Environment

Are you excited about trying out TypeScript? Are you wondering how to set up your development environment for TypeScript? Look no further! In this article, we'll explore how to set up your development environment for TypeScript and get you on your way to enhanced productivity and error-free code.

What is TypeScript?

Before we dive into setting up your development environment, let's cover the basics of what TypeScript is. TypeScript is an open-source programming language that is a superset of JavaScript. It was developed by Microsoft and provides additional features to JavaScript such as static typing, classes, interfaces, and more. TypeScript compiles to JavaScript, making it compatible with all modern browsers and platforms.

Setting up your Development Environment

To start using TypeScript, you'll need to set up your development environment. There are a few things you'll need to have installed before getting started:

Installation of Node.js

First, we need to install Node.js, a JavaScript runtime built on the V8 engine. Node.js is needed to install the TypeScript compiler and its associated libraries.

To get started, go to the official Node.js website and download the installer. Once the installer is downloaded and launched, follow the installation steps. Once Node.js is installed, we can start working on installing the TypeScript compiler.

Installation of TypeScript Compiler

To install the TypeScript compiler, we'll use Node.js's package manager, npm. Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

npm install -g typescript

This command installs TypeScript globally on your machine, making it available for use in any project.

To verify that TypeScript is installed, run the following command:

tsc -v

This command returns the version number of the TypeScript compiler installed.

Text Editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Next, we need to choose a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) to write our TypeScript code. There are many options available, including Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, and others.

For this article, we'll be using Visual Studio Code. It's a lightweight, open-source IDE that provides features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging capabilities out of the box. You can find the installer on the Visual Studio Code website.

Once Visual Studio Code is installed, we need to install a few extensions to help us work with TypeScript. Open Visual Studio Code, go to the extensions view by clicking on the extension icon or by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + X. Search for the following extensions and install them:

These extensions provide features such as TypeScript compilation, linting, and code completion.

Creating a TypeScript Project

Now that we have our development environment set up, we can start writing TypeScript code. The first step is to create a TypeScript project.

In Visual Studio Code, open the Command Palette by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + P. Search for the "TypeScript: Initialize TypeScript Project" command and run it. This command creates a TypeScript project by generating a tsconfig.json file in the root directory of your project.

The tsconfig.json file is a configuration file that specifies the settings for the TypeScript compiler. We can customize the settings in this file for our project's needs.

Writing TypeScript Code

With our TypeScript project set up, we can start writing TypeScript code. Create a new file with the .ts file extension in the root directory of your project. In this file, we'll write a simple "Hello World" program in TypeScript.

function hello(name: string): string {
    return `Hello, ${name}!`;


In this code, we define a function hello that takes a parameter name of type string and returns a string. We call this function with the argument "TypeScript" and log the result to the console.

To compile and run this code, open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the root directory of your project, and run the following command:


This command compiles our TypeScript code to JavaScript and generates a corresponding .js file in the same directory. In our case, the generated file is named filename.js.

Run the generated JavaScript code with the following command:

node filename.js

This command logs the output of our code to the console.

TypeScript Watch Mode

As we develop our TypeScript project, we'll need to compile our code each time we make changes. To avoid continuously running tsc, we can use TypeScript watch mode.

To enable watch mode, open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command in the root directory of your project:

tsc -w

This command starts TypeScript watch mode and recompiles our code each time we save changes to our .ts files.


Congratulations! You've set up your development environment for TypeScript and written a simple "Hello World" program. This is just the beginning of what TypeScript can do. TypeScript provides many features to enhance JavaScript development, and with the configuration options available in the tsconfig.json file, you can customize your TypeScript projects to your needs.

Thank you for reading this article on Getting Started with TypeScript: Setting up your Development Environment. Stay tuned for more articles on TypeScript programming and development!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed